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New to the ASC: 'It's in the Syllabus' workshop

08.17.2015 | By:

Do you ever use your syllabus after the first day of class?

Have you ever asked your professor a question only to be told that it's in the syllabus?

These and many other important questions will be answered during our first workshop, "It's in the Syllabus."

Shirley Crow, general study tutor, will be conducting the workshop. Students will learn how to read their syllabus and what to do with the information. Students will also learn how to make an assignment sheet using Excel to track every assignment on one document for the entire semester. These tools will help students study smarter with less stress.

Students should bring all of their syllabi, a planner or calendar and a laptop if available.

Workshop will be held on Aug. 20 at 3 p.m. and Aug. 21 at noon in the Library Orientation Room.

Come by the ASC for additional information.