Enjoy brunch at the Alumni Reunion April 25

UPDATE AS OF 3/16/2020: Texas Wesleyan has canceled all university events and activities to limit the spread of COVID-19 per CDC guidelines. For more information and updates to the university’s response to the current health crisis, visit txwes.edu/coronavirus.
The Reunion Brunch was such a hit last year, we decided to do it again! Join us for your favorite brunch foods including mimosas and enjoy time connecting with other TXWES alumni.
All alumni are invited to the Reunion Brunch on Saturday, April 25, at 11 a.m. in Lou’s Place as we honor Alpha Chi and Golden Shears members and recognize the 50-year “Golden” anniversary class of 1970. Golden anniversary alumni are invited to this brunch free of charge!
This event is a must-attend where you'll hear University President Frederick G. Slabach give an update on all the great things happening at Texas Wesleyan. For more information or to register for this and other reunion events, visit txwes.edu/reunion.