TXWES Advising featured at EAB conference

On Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, Dr. Christina Hubbard, Senior Director of Strategic Research, presented "Breaking the Stalemate: How to Overcome Entrenched Org Structures and Outdated Advising Policies" at CONNECTED 21, EAB's annual conference. Dr. Hubbard featured Texas Wesleyan's Academic Advising model to demonstrate how faculty and staff can work together to ensure students have access to all of the support they need. In the fall of 2019, Freshman Advising reorganized to become Academic Advising and began the transition to a shared advising model. In the spring of 2020, Texas Wesleyan fully implemented the shared advising model and all students (except theater, music and athletic training majors) were assigned both an academic advisor and a faculty advisor. The following semester, data on students advised in this model showed an increase in retention of approximately 4%.
EAB has a 40-year history of well-researched insight from working with over 2,500 institutions, including some of the most progressive colleges and universities in the country. It is an honor for Texas Wesleyan to be featured at their biggest event of the year. View the presentation on YouTube.