Arts & Sciences hosts (pre-robing) Robing Day Celebration

For graduating seniors, one of the unique traditions at Texas Wesleyan was born in the late 1920s when seniors, just prior to graduation, began selecting an influential or important faculty member to robe them. What has now become part of our institution’s rite of passage to graduation — our Robing Ceremony — symbolizes the close bond that develops between faculty and students during their time at Texas Wesleyan.
Those participating the Robing Ceremony on Friday, May 12 are invited to stop by the Buhler Plaza on the west side of the Martin Center for what is fast becoming another tradition — the School of Arts and Sciences (pre-robing) Robing Day Celebration. Many graduating seniors are showing parents and loved ones around campus prior to the ceremony. This is an opportunity to have a professional photo taken with a professor, family member or friend and enjoy a light breakfast prior to the Robing Ceremony. We’ll begin at 8:30 a.m and continue until 10 a.m., when those participating in the ceremony are due to begin lining up. Graduating seniors from any school are invited to attend. Photos will be made available via a OneDrive link by May 17.
Please register for the event here.
(Buhler Plaza is between the fountain and the west doors of the Martin Center. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the lobby of the Schollmaier Science and Technology Center (STC), located behind the fountain.)