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Gladys Childs speaker for launch of new women's ministry

09.25.2015 | By:
Gladys Childs

Dr. Gladys Childs was the kickoff speaker for the very first Heart to Heart ministry meeting at the First United Methodist Church of Coppell in September.

This new women's ministry program was started to help individuals find a place where they can connect with other women and learn how to be better equipped as a parents through listening to various speakers and discussion. The goal of the Heart to Heart ministry is to aid personal and family growth through a supportive network of moms who get what it takes to raise kids in a very turbulent world.

Moving beyond the basics

Childs spoke on "Building Faith as a Family."

"It is important to move beyond the basics of prayer and Bible reading," Childs said of her message to the women. "While these are critical, the women were encouraged to take the lead in developing their own deeper theological understanding through reading great theologians such as N.T. Wright, Dietrich Bonhoeffer or C.S. Lewis."

She brought a multitude of books ranging from great theologians to Old and New Testament college texts to books on Liberation theology to subject specific studies of the Bible so the women could see the vast range of materials that can help them move deeper in their own faith and then use this knowledge to help their families develop more meaningful relationships with one another and God.

"It is important for moms to realize there has to be an intentional desire to create a God-filled home. A place where family and friends can sense the presence of God by the hospitality offered and the interactions between individuals. This desire must begin with the women taking the lead."

Preparing to take the message home

Besides the women being encouraged to develop a more robust theology, they also examined how to work with their spouses and kids to develop a strong family of faith. The women worked through different scenarios depending on the age of their children whether they were youngsters, teens or even out of the home.

"As a mom of a seven-year-old, I understand the struggles and challenges that moms face and their desire to see their kids be disciples of Christ," said Childs. "As moms, we need to continue to grow in our own walks of faith and encourage our families to do the same.

"In the end, when I and these women look back on the legacy we will leave behind for our families, I want all of us to leave the strongest, most defined, sharp and radiant light for Christ as possible."