2018 UCD keynote presenters announced

The UCD Committee invites you to this year's keynote panel featuring Brad Faye and Kelsey Dickerson, producers of a documentary about the impact of comic books and superhero mythology across the world featuring interviews with icons in the field such as Stan Lee, George R.R. Martin, and Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; founders of superherofaces.com, a website that encourages others to find ways to contribute to their communities; and founders of Superhero With a Thousand Faces, a project that uses social media to encourage all of us to find the superhero within and to share our own heroic journeys.
Consistent with this year’s theme, "Find Your Inner Superhero," this keynote panel offers the opportunity to hear from two young people who can share their insights about how you can discover your own heroic potential to make a positive difference in the world.
About Brad Faye
Brad Faye, a native New Yorker, is a published author and Emmy-nominated producer. Brad has co-authored his own graphic novel, One Nation: Out of the Darkness, and is currently co-producing the documentary Geek, And You Shall Find, which explores the history of the comic book medium. Brad creates written and video content illustrating the parallels between the myths of yesteryear as well as the similarities they share with the caped crusaders of today.
About Kelsey Dickerson
Currently, Kelsey Dickerson is a host and spokesperson for the Arizona Humane Society, as well as a Host and Writer for Superhero Faces. With Superhero Faces, Kelsey has had the opportunity to speak with several pop culture icons, including Neal Adams, Kevin Eastman, Stan Lee and George RR Martin. Those interviews and others will be seen in the documentary Geek, And You Shall Find which she is co-producing.