Save the date: UCD 2020 is April 22

The 2020 University College Day (UCD) is scheduled for April 22. This year's theme is "Breaking Barriers." All day long, students, staff and faculty will share their interests and projects that have been driving their learning experiences.
Students are encouraged to participate by presenting on topics relating to research, class projects and other activities demonstrating collaboration and critical thinking on campus. Presentations can take the form of posters, oral presentations, panel discussion and performances. Students present for approximately 20 minutes, and the poster session will last about two hours.
Presentation Details
UCD Presentation Submissions must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 14. All presentations will take place on April 22.
This year's schedule of events includes all day student and faculty presentations beginning at 9 a.m., an exciting keynote presentation and Ram Jam at noon. Check the UCD website for more information.
Please email questions to Ngozi Akinro, UCD committee chair.