Your education is affordable! Find out how during two virtual events

They say time is money. So why not invest some of your time into learning how to get free money for your education?
Learn more about your financial aid options during two upcoming virtual sessions for students applying to TXWES like you.
During the Virtual TXWES Scholarship Showcase on Thursday, Nov. 11, you'll find out about the different types of scholarships we have to offer. From merit- to interest-based scholarships, you'll see how much free money you can earn and how to apply.
There's more to financial aid than just scholarships. We're talking grants, work-study and more. On Wednesday, Nov. 17, get a crash course on the types of financial aid during a Virtual Financial Aid Information Session. Get tips on how to complete your FAFSA or TASFA and bring your questions on the financial aid process.
Even if you can't make these sessions, we're here to help answer your financial aid questions. Email us at