Movers & Shakers: Lawyer turned fashion maven follows her heart

10 years ago, Leah Frazier JD ’07 was practicing bankruptcy law at a firm in Houston.
But she was restless, and her passion for fashion was fierce, so in her off hours, she shopped for women like her: professionals who wanted to look and feel better.
It was her first business, spurring her second, which she “just fell into.”
“That’s how the blogging began,” Frazier says. “I needed a way to support my personal shopping business.”
While her law work held steady, Frazier’s influence on fashion and lifestyle spread. By 2015, she was back in Dallas and law was the last thing on her résumé. Her humble blog, Inspire N Style, had turned into an online magazine and she was a sought-after speaker, media personality and organizer for all things fashion in North Texas, winning local recognition and a growing national and international following. She even joined the Texas Wesleyan business faculty as an adjunct professor in digital marketing.
The pace is only increasing
In March, Frazier was on stage at TEDxCUNY, telling others how to be an authentic digital influencer. Her latest venture, Think Three Media, is a content marketing, branding and strategy company, which helps small businesses get their message out. And she’s co-author of The Success Factor, a book on women entrepreneurs. The book is coming out in May.
Not quite the life Frazier, now 35, expected when she went to college to study criminal justice.
“I’ve used everything I’ve learned in everything I do,” Frazier says about her journey from wanna-be cop to lawyer to fashionpreneur.
“While my brand is in fashion and beauty, what I really wanted was to inspire people to live the best life they could,” she says. “I get to live that life every day.”