2nd Annual Smaller. Smarter. Giving Days starts now

During Smaller. Smarter. Giving Days, the RAMily has 48 hours to unite and help Texas Wesleyan University continue providing our students with strong academic programs and crucial financial aid.
Jan Fersing, beloved trustee and generous TXWES supporter, is already making a RAM strong impact by matching all new and increased gifts up to $100,000 to the Wesleyan Fund.
Time and again our Texas Wesleyan community has demonstrated the huge impact that’s made when we all join together. Our goal is to raise $35,000. That’s where you come in.
Make your gift — big or small — on April 28 or April 29 and make a difference. Want to make your gift ahead of time? You can do so by visiting ramsgive.txwes.edu and clicking the banner at the top of the page.
There are other ways to make an impact!
Spread the word: Send an email, text a friend or post on social media. In fact, we make it super easy! Sign up to be an ambassador and you’ll have access to our social media toolkit — it's full of sample posts, tips and reminders to help ensure whatever you share has all the necessities (think hashtags, links, etc.).
Or, you can simply direct people to ramsgive.txwes.edu and be sure to tag your posts with #ramsgive.