Lee Hill's 'Love Removal Machine' exhibit opens Jan. 14

Enjoy your holidays with all the trimmings, festivities, and treats. Return to Texas Wesleyan in January ready celebrate the visual arts. Come to the gallery in Bernice Coulter Templeton Art Studio. Artist Lee Hill's Love Removal Machine exhibit opens Monday, Jan. 14 and continues through Thursday, Feb. 7.
In association with the exhibit you have two opportunities to meet the artist and discuss his art with him.
- Artist talk: Thursday, Jan. 24, 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. This artist lecture is part of Texas Wesleyan’s Mitchell-Reed Community of Learners lecture series held in the art gallery. It is an opportunity to meet the artist and have an informal discussion about the exhibition. Visitors can bring a brown-bag lunch. The Eunice and James L. West Library provides drinks and cookies.
- Reception: Saturday, Jan. 26, 2 - 4 p.m.
About the Exhibition:
Hill currently lives and works in Fort Worth, TX. He grew up in the heart of the West Texas oil patch in Midland and graduated with a professional degree in architecture, from the College of Architecture at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.
Lee Hill states, “Love Removal Machine is intended as medium or device that makes us feel good, but deploys distraction that interferes with our ability to love the things we should. It might be something that provides a temporary escape from a dull reality, but eventually leads to further inner darkness and conflict.”
Lee Hill’s signature style can be seen in this exhibition which is evident in paintings that explore abstract modern design. They display the characteristics of order and chaos, randomness and geometry, precision and imperfections. By using these polar opposite artistic devices, he creates visual tension for the viewer. This tension explores the connections between nature and machine. His works are process driven through pouring and random mark making married to hard-edged geometric patterns. Lee Hill challenges the viewer to interpret his abstracted visual language.
All events pertaining to this exhibit are free and open to the public and held in the gallery in the Bernice Coulter Templeton Art Studio, Texas Wesleyan University, 1415 E. Vaught St, Fort Worth, TX.
For additional information contact Kit Hall, 817-531-4984 or email khall@txwes.edu.