On The Wall: The first TXWES ART BASH is up!

The current ART BASH exhibition includes 55 original works of art created by students, faculty, staff and alumni. It is a fun exhibition that shows the viewer how important having a creative outlet is to people. The show is full of beginners as well as more advanced artists.
Students and staff are represented by art done in their valuable spare time or in class. This exhibition is fun and demonstrates the power of art in a person's life. The art is inspired by facets of the artists' lives. There's the image Patch and Joey, Connie Whitt-Lambert's very special dogs. There's also a wonderful drawing of a turkey created by the late Dan Boulware, alumni and long-time Board member of Texas Wesleyan.
The ART BASH will be up until May 8, Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. You are invited to the opening reception during Alumni Weekend on Saturday, April 21 from 5-6:30. Please make it a point to come by the gallery to look at the last exhibition of this year.
It's been a great first year with students, faculty, community visitors, art receptions and class lectures held in the gallery. It's garnered the attention of artists from across Texas, the U.S. and as far away as Italy, who are interested in displaying their art at Texas Wesleyan. Stay tuned for us to announce the next six exhibitions scheduled for next year. They range from sculptors, ceramicists, painters and an installation artist whose exhibit promises to blow your mind.
For further information please contact Kit Hall, at khall@txwes.edu.
Example of works in the ART BASH: 1) Gallery view of ART BASH, 2018; 2) After Calliebotte, by Elizabeth Vasseur, Beginning Drawing student; 3) Backlit Egret, by Dr. Jeffrey Delotto, faculty