Winter Weather Update - January 2024

Dear Faculty and Staff,
As we enter the winter weather season, especially considering the winter weather expected this weekend, please be aware of what to do in case we encounter a weather incident that impacts campus activity. Texas Wesleyan University has a Winter Weather Procedure that should be followed with a safety-first mindset.
The winter weather campus communications plan in place is designed to keep faculty, staff and students updated as weather conditions progress. Our campus facilities and security teams will lead the assessment of any hazardous conditions on campus and communicate any concerns.
If you are aware that inclement weather is expected, please consider taking devices and needed office materials home in the event that a decision is made to transition to remote work. It is also important to be sure that your contact information has been updated so that you can receive emergency communications and your leadership can contact you if needed. To update your contact information online please go here.
Next, after inclement weather is reported, communications will be distributed via the following channels:
· Campus emergency text alerts: Please go to this link to sign up to receive alerts.
· A banner will be listed at the top of the homepage with any emergency messaging or instructions.
· Posting alerts to Canvas: Faculty should post announcements to inform students whether classes will move to virtual instruction for the day, make-up work assigned, or class meetings rescheduled.
Additionally, you are welcome to reach out to your main building contacts to verify that your work location has network connections, power and climate controls functioning properly, as needed, to work comfortably in your assigned space before coming to campus.
If you have any questions about connectivity once on campus, please contact the IT Help Desk. You can also complete a work order or contact the Facilities Office at 817-531-4252, if you encounter a facility issue.
For admissions, alumni, athletic, music or Theater Wesleyan events, any notices of closures or cancelations will be communicated to the TXWES community from those individual departments as needed, via their regular channels.
Last and most importantly, if you are preparing to travel to campus during inclement weather, please exercise caution to keep yourself safe. If road conditions in your area are reported to be unsafe by authorities, please use your best personal judgement to determine if it makes sense to travel to campus. We always want to promote a safety-first mindset for all faculty, staff or students.
Updates will be sent as appropriate to keep everyone informed promptly.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation to keep our TXWES community safe.