Texas Wesleyan staff honored by Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH thanked staff members from across Texas Wesleyan for helping set their students on the path towards success.
The group hosted a Supervisors Luncheon on May 16 at the Baker Building as a thank you for their commitment to the program.
2019 marks Project SEARCH’s sixth year at Texas Wesleyan. This year’s interns will officially graduate from the program during an event May 30 at the Baker Building.
How it Works
Project SEARCH Fort Worth is a collaboration of FWISD, Texas Workforce Commission, MHMR of Tarrant County and Texas Wesleyan University, with TXWES providing a training office, computer lab and on-campus work rotations.
Interns defer their high school graduation for one year, and complete three, 10-week rotations on campus to get real-world work experience. During the rotations, they get regular feedback from their managers, co-workers and Project SEARCH staff. They also take part in monthly planning meetings to define their career goals and plan the steps to achieve them. Rotation work sites in 2019 included Security, the West Library and Admissions.