Top 6 reasons to go Greek at Texas Wesleyan

Greek recruitment Kick-Off is 5-7:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 28 on the Campus Mall. We've have complied a list of 6 reasons it's great to be Greek at Texas Wesleyan University.
1. Because you'll make great friends
Membership in a fraternity or sorority offers you a place to make life-long friendships. Whether you need a ride or a late-night study buddy. It always feels good to know that when the chips are down, there is always someone there who has your back!
2. Because you don't want to miss out
It’s no secret that Greek students tend to be really involved on campus, so it only makes sense that membership in a Greek organization offers you an inside track on all the great things going on at Texas Wesleyan.
3. Because they want you to be yourself
Greek Life at Texas Wesleyan is special. No matter who you are, or how you identify, there’s a place for you here! Much like Texas Wesleyan, our Greeks value diversity and understand how it makes our organizations stronger.
4. Because you'll make job connections
Looking for a leg-up on the competition? Members often have brothers or sisters serving in prominent positions in all kinds of companies, instantly giving you something in common with the people making the hiring decisions.
5. Because you'll get more opportunities
There are many Greek-exclusive programs and services provided to members of sororities and fraternities. From trips, scholarships, internships, conferences, leadership programs, and activities, there a ton of things only a Greek membership can get you into.
6. Because you love giving back
Is service your thing? Nationally, Greeks spend, more than any other group, countless hours giving back and raise millions of dollars for charitable organizations. If you want to make a measurable change in your community, going Greek is a great place to start!
Interested in becoming part of the Texas Wesleyan Greek community? Greek Recruitment is Aug. 28 to Sept. 2!