Exhibit to tackle impact of drugs and alcohol on May 11

The sad reality is, a simple Google search of the term “Greek Life” will bring up many of articles outlining the often tragic results of the misuse/abuse of drugs and alcohol within fraternities and sororities across the country. On some campuses, organizations which were founded on principles of academic achievement, leadership development, civic engagement and social excellence, have devolved into nothing more than social clubs that promote, and sometimes even encourage, high-risk behaviors.
Not wanting to be part of this statistic, members of TXWES Greek Life have decided to be proactive in initiating this important dialogue in a community setting. To help accomplish this, participants from the TXWES Greek Community were asked to explore how drugs and alcohol have impacted their personal experiences.
Using a series of photos, which they then paired with a narrative, each person critically examined and reflected on the topic to tell their story and share their “voice,” and the results are being shared with the Texas Wesleyan community in a gallery exhibition of their projects from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, in Lou’s Place, with formal reception being help from 12:15-1:30 p.m.