If you haven't come by the ASC lately, finals time is a great time to come by and take advantage of all our services. Our tutors can help you in a wide variety of subjects, but be sure to schedule your appointments now — they're filling up quickly.
Don't forget that we are open on Saturday to help you with math and writing problems from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In addition to tutoring, we have plenty of laptops that you can use in the center as well as a printer to print out your papers.
You can take advantage of Dead Day by coming by the ASC. We will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for appointments.
Even though finals are quickly approaching, we do try to throw some fun into the ASC. Our "Final Exam Stress Out Contest" is still going on until May 5. If you attend a tutoring session, your name will be entered into a drawing for a finals care package.
The last day that the ASC is open for the spring semester is May 10. Just remember to study hard, take breaks to "de-stress" and be healthy by eating and sleeping properly.