ASC weekly focus: Five tips for success in a psychology course
Does studying for psychology make you a little crazy? Students seek help in many ways for their psychology courses from APA, psych stats to course content.
Five tips for success in a psychology course:
- Like all of your classes, one of the key factors to success in a psychology class is to study regularly. It is recommended that you study 2 hours for every 1 hour you spend in class. Start studying early and do not get behind.
- Be an active listener in class. Read your assigned textbook material before each class. Come to class prepared with questions and discussion points.
- Use active strategies when studying. Don't just read the textbook. Engage with the material in order to store the information in your long-term memory.
- Try to apply theories and concepts to real-world examples. This technique improves memory and understanding.
- Start a study group with classmates in addition to your individual study time. This provides a great time for comparing notes and quizzing each other over the material.
Come to the Academic Success Center and meet with Morgan, psychology, writing and psych stats tutor, or Caitlyn, writing and psych stats tutor.