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ASC weekly focus: Five tips for success in a science course

02.16.2016 | By:

Are you struggling in your science courses? There are always students coming to the ASC looking for assistance in science, whether it be biology, chemistry, physics or another course.

Five tips for success in a science course:

  1. Before each class, refresh your memory on the previous day's notes and link together the information.
  2. Explain course material to a friend and ask questions to test their understanding.
  3. Make copies of pictures without the labels. Hang them next to a mirror. Every time you pass the mirror, label a part of the picture. This can also be done with diagrams of processes.
  4. Practice problems in manageable amounts of time. Try working on problems during 30-minute windows throughout the day. Practice, practice, practice. Find other resources for practice problems.
  5. Ask questions to clarify information. Make use of reliable resources such as your professor, videos and other textbook resources, to explain a concept in a different way.

It doesn't matter how you study if you are not dedicating enough time to your course. Take a realistic look at the amount time you invest in studying. The typical recommendation is to spend two to three hours studying for each hour you spend in class. If the course is challenging, then you should spend more time than that.

Come by the Academic Success Center and meet with one of our excellent tutors, Maggie and Aya for additional help.