Wisdom Wednesday from the ASC: Jump start your semester with planning!
You are in the first week of classes and you are handed your syllabus. Your professor goes over class expectations, what you will learn, and the assignments you will have due.
What do you do with all of that information?
Our first Wisdom Wednesday is the power of planning out your semester. By giving you a syllabus your professor has provided you all the information about their class you could need; think of it as a cheat sheet. By using a calendar, planner, or even your phone, take your assignment due dates and test dates and write them down so you can easily keep track of all major assignments in your courses.
Take it one step further by looking at your assignments, figure out how long you need to be able to complete your work, and plan a day a few days out from the actual due date as a goal date to have it completed. Is your paper due on the 27th of February? Make a goal of having it completed by the 20th to give yourself time to edit and make any adjustments so it isn’t done poorly last minute.
Look for Wisdom Wednesdays every week where we gve you helpful ways to approach school, and for any additional help contact the ASC.