Rams Day of Service at Tarrant Area Food Bank

Dead Day is normally a day when students and faculty take a breather before the rigors of final exams and grading. However, on the afternoon of this semester's May 1 Dead Day, more than 30 Texas Wesleyan students, staff and faculty put aside their books and computers, rolled up their sleeves and got dirty for a good cause: a Rams Day of Service at the Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB).
In addition to 17 students, Texas Wesleyan President Emily Messer joined the team, as did staff from various offices around campus, including the Admissions, Student Records, Human Resources, the Engage Studio, as well as faculty and staff from the Library, the School of Education and the School of Arts and Sciences.
One of the student-athlete volunteers, Ellis Wamsley, said, "This is really a great way to serve and get to know other folks at Texas Wesleyan. It's cool that even the University President came out to serve!"
The team prepared HelloFresh meal kits that had been donated to the TAFB. The 1,268 meal kits assembled will be distributed to needy families in Denton as part of TAFB's Meals for Moms program throughout the month of May. In all the Rams Day of Service will help to feed over 5,000 people.
Hopefully this is the start of a new Wesleyan tradition each Dead Day!