The Justice League, a group of superheroes, made up of your very own Criminal Justice and Sociology professors, Dr. Cary Adkinson, Dr. Eddy Lynton and Dr. Alison Simons, took part in a Family Feud event on Thursday, Feb. 8, to raise money for the Special Olympics. They were joined by Risky Business, The Powerpuff Girls, Whaley's Comets and the Dead Tattooed Tree Society.
The event was the brainchild of Texas Wesleyan history major Bailey Dozier. He was also the host of the event, and contributed immensely to the fun time had by all involved.
The Justice League made a gallant effort, after being on a roll in the first round, partly due to asking the person on the team who has a baby about reasons why babies are cranky, they were defeated in the second round by asking the British person on the team to name American President's with names ending in "son." Ultimately Family Feud was won by Risky Business. Justice League did win the creative costume category though.
We'd like to thank everyone involved especially the scorekeeper and computer tech, Matthew Mayfield, also Raising Canes who donated a basket for the semi-finalists.
The event was so much fun for all involved, and we look forward to a re-match next year.