Celebrating spring 2020 TXWES history graduates

Equipped with face masks and hand sanitizer, Texas Wesleyan University history program faculty Dr. Alistair Maeer and Dr. Christopher Ohan delivered champagne to the homes and/or work places of all spring 2020 history graduates on Tuesday, May 12. The deliveries were made two days ahead of a virtual Roast & Toast of graduates on Zoom.
The Zoom event honored the following graduates who either majored or minored in history: Alyssa Brown, Myrna Camacho, Yonatzin Cardoso-Carmona, Rylee Cox, Bailey Dozier, Emilia Egel, Kaitlyn Mendoza, Austin Powell, Mike Ray and Trenton Williams.
Dr. Brenda Matthews welcomed everyone, including Dean Ricardo Rodriguez to the virtual gathering before history faculty started roasting the graduates. Not to be outdone, several of the graduates took the opportunity to also roast the faculty. The friendly event ended with toasts for all history graduates.
According to Dr. Maeer, "Senior college students across the world have had their traditional rite of passage—graduation—delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If it's in our power to make the occasion special for our history program graduates, we are obligated to make it so!"
For more information about the history program at Texas Wesleyan, visit txwes.edu/history.