Texas Wesleyan students present at MEMNTO Conference

Texas Wesleyan students and faculty participate in the Fourth Annual MEMNTO Conference in Medieval and Early Modern Studies on Feb. 8. This unique interdisciplinary undergraduate conference, hosted by Southern Methodist University, provided an opportunity for interested students, who are often at institutions with few medieval and early modern professors, to experience the diversity of academic approaches to this fascinating period.
The day's keynote delivered by Dr. Katie Keene was entitled "De Mulieribus: How Do We Study Medieval Women."
Seven Texas Wesleyan students presented papers:
- David Amaya, "Collectivism to Autonomy: The Middle Ages' Quest to Reason"
- Bonnie Brimer, "Knox and Stuart in the Theater of Scottish Covenant Theology"
- Michael Craft, "The Birth of Individualism in Christendom"
- Bailey Dozier, "The Communities and the Individual: People Are People or Personal Jesus?"
- Anahita Keer, "Mask of Rebellion"
- Calista Lothliam, "Defiance of Christianity"
- Eric Reyna, "Jan Hus and his Wrongful Death"
For more information about this and other opportunities through the Texas Wesleyan History Program, visit www.txwes.edu/history. Follow us on social media: Facebook texaswesleyanhistory and Instagram @txweshistory.