The Wesleyan Women’s Chorus will be taking a road trip on Oct. 17 to College Station for the Collegiate Women’s Chorus Festival.
The Texas A&M University Department of Music will be hosting the festival, which has been in place since the 1980s. This will be the first year the Texas Wesleyan Women’s Chorus will participate.
The group will first make a stop at Hill College in Hillsboro to visit with members of the music department from that institution. Wesleyan and Hill have a good relationship, and will spend some time singing for one another, as well as enjoying lunch together.
After their stop in Hillsboro, they will continue south. The festival begins the next day at 8:30 a.m., and will involve combined rehearsals with choirs from UT San Antonio, Blinn College, Texas Wesleyan and Texas A&M. The number of singers will total around 125. They will be directed by special guest conductor Jennaya Robinson of Luther College.
In addition to the combined group performance, each group will have the opportunity to sing individually. The performance of all choirs will take place at 7 p.m.
The Welseyan Women’s Chorus will be conducted by Dr. Jerome Bierschenk, Department Chair and Director of Choral Activities, as well as Adjunct Faculty member Allison Ward. Aimee Bozarth will collaborate on piano.