The Wesleyan Singers, comprised of the Women's Chorus, directed by Allison Whetsel Ward and accompanied by Aimee Hurst Bozarth, the Men's Chorus, directed by Jerome M. Bierschenk and accompanied by Keith Critcher, and the Chamber Singers, a mixed-gender choral group directed by Dr. Jerome Bierschenk and accompanied by Aimee Hurst Bozarth, present a concert in conjunction with the Children's Choir of Fort Worth, directed by Jackson Hill and accompanied by Se Won Kim on Oct 9, 2018 at 7:30p.m.
It will feature choral repertory from such composers as Gjeilo, Lightfoot, Hayes, Papoulis, and more. We hope the public will join us for this concert, which is free and located in Nicholas Martin Hall.