Joe Brown, a renowned theater professor at Texas Wesleyan University lovingly known as “Pro Joe,” was recently recognized with the prestigious 75 Faces of Goodwill Ceremony award. This honor celebrates individuals who have significantly impacted Goodwill North Central Texas over the past 75 years.
From a pool of over 200 nominees, Pro Joe was selected for his dedicated service as a judge for the annual Project Goodwill Runway Gala. For six years, he has contributed his expertise to this event, where contestants are challenged to transform $100 worth of Goodwill merchandise into stunning fashion pieces. His keen eye for design and his passion for sustainability have made him an invaluable asset to the gala.
“It’s been an honor to be a part of Project Goodwill Runway Gala for the past six years,” said Pro Joe. “Watching the creativity and talent of the contestants is truly inspiring. It's a wonderful way to highlight the potential of repurposing and sustainability.”
As a professor of theater at Texas Wesleyan University, Pro Joe has brought his expertise in set design, among several other talents, to numerous productions with Theatre Wesleyan and the greater Fort Worth community.