Business professor named Kennedy Sustainable Investment fellowship recipient

Kevin McGarry Esq., LL.M., J.D., M.S., assistant professor of business law for Texas Wesleyan’s School of Business Administration, is a fall 2014 recipient of the prestigious Robert F. Kennedy Sustainable Investment fellowship, awarded jointly by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights and The Earth Institute at Columbia University.
Honorees will attend the Sustainable Investment Program at Columbia University in New York City for an extended weekend in October and in November to discuss and develop practical and impactful solutions for sustainability initiatives in business practices and investment, sustainable investment educational program development and business and human rights interactions.
About the Program
The program, which has been in place since 2010, is a combination of academics, investment bankers, equity funds, regulators and other stakeholder groups who are involved in the growing dialogue on the importance of human rights in all aspects of business. Fellows are selected based on their desire and ability to advance the goals of sustainable investment within their organizations and community.
Nonprofit and for-profit organizations attending this year’s program include the United Nations Global Compact, The Carlyle Group, CalPERS, VOYA (formerly ING U.S.) and Callan Associates.
McGarry has been an assistant professor of business law at Texas Wesleyan for two years. Previously, McGarry taught at Florida State University and Tallahassee Community College. He teaches an MBA course on business law/managerial ethics and undergraduate courses in business law and the recently developed business and human rights honors course.