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Graduation Convocation

May 13, 2017 8:45 AM - May 13, 2017 12:00 PM

Graduation for Spring 2017 will be held at the Southwestern MacGorman Chapel at 10 a.m.

Students should arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. to check in for the ceremony.

Student check-in is located at the Riley Alumni Center*, 1700 West Fuller Ave. Students should park in the south parking lot of the Riley building and enter through the south facing doors of the center for check-in. Family and guests should go directly to the Chapel*.

In the event of rain the morning of the ceremony, students will check in at the Chapel.

J.W. MacGorman Chapel

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
4616 Stanley Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76115

*The Riley Center is building 9 and the MacGorman Chapel is building 8 on the Southwesten Baptist Theological Seminary campus map.
