Pictured above: Texas Wesleyan School of Education students teach guided reading lessons to students at Fort Worth's Mitchell Elementary.
As part of a class field experience, Lisa Dryden Ph.D., and her Beginning Literacy course students in the Texas Wesleyan School of Education work with first-grade students on developing literacy skills every Monday and Wednesday at Mitchell Blvd. Leadership Academy in Southeast Fort Worth.
Dryden first worked with students at the school last semester. The school’s principal was so pleased and impressed with the TXWES students’ work that she invited them back this semester.
The TXWES students “conduct assessments and then plan lessons. They also conduct Guided Reading lessons and work with the students to help them develop their writing skills,” Dryden said.
During course reflection after the first day, education major Madison Lopez said, “I just loved it!”
Mitchell Blvd. Learning Academy students love interacting with TXWES students because of the individual help they receive.
“As the children were lining up to return to their classrooms one little one said to me, ‘Man, I was having so much fun. I didn't want it to end,’” Dryden said.
Dr. Dryden’s field experience is just one way the School of Education’s teaching model provides students more experience and preparation. The real-world training puts them on a path toward acing their certification tests. From there, our large, award-winning DFW alumni network connects them with new opportunities and helps students get great jobs.