For her leadership in bilingual education, her continued research in the field and her support of undergraduate, masters and doctoral candidates, Patsy J. Robles-Goodwin, professor of education and director of the Bilingual/ESL programs at Texas Wesleyan was honored with the 2018 Higher Education award by the Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE).
“I have been in this field for over 30 years,” Robles-Goodwin said, “and it seems that I have always been ‘on the other side’ promoting students, colleagues, and teachers for job recommendations, scholarships, grants and awards. So, to be on this side seems different and maybe a little awkward, especially since I have been blessed to be in a field that I love. I am very thankful and humbled to be receiving this award.”
TABE awards four honors at the state level including the Higher Education Award. To receive one of these awards a teacher must be nominated, reviewed and selected by the award committee for impacting the field of bilingual education and English as a Second Language at all levels of teaching, research and community involvement at the local, regional and state levels.
Robles-Goodwin will be presented with her award during the TABE conference in Dallas in October.
Texas Wesleyan’s School of Education is known for providing outstanding mentorship to its students from faculty who are dedicated to helping students thrive. Close relationships with professors help our students get the experience they need to become successful educators.
“Patsy’s award reaffirms what we already know – that Texas Wesleyan educators go above and beyond to make sure our students succeed,” Carlos Martinez, dean of the School of Education said. “Patsy is a wonderful example of what we mean when we say ‘Smaller. Smarter.”