Sumners Scholars Constitution Day Party
Ratified in 1788, Constitution Day celebrates the original drafting of the U.S. Constitution document on Sept. 17, 1787. Join the Sumners Scholars as they celebrate with cake, ice cream, trivia, games and door prizes at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15 in the Martin Center Ballroom.
Speakers at the celebration include University President Frederick G. Slabach, Judge Louis E. Sturns and Professor Michelle Payne. They will each discuss what they consider the significance of the U.S. Constitution and whether it should be considered a "living document."
The event will also host a voter registration table. With general elections less than two months away, now is the time to register and participate in the democratic process established by the Constitution we are celebrating!
This event is free and open to all.
The Sumners Scholarship not only provides a $5,500 scholarship each semester during a student's junior and senior year but also offers students the opportunity to attend special conferences and activities and engage in community service. For more information about the Sumners Scholarship, visit For information about registering to vote in Texas, visit