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North Texas Giving Day 2020

North Texas Giving Day
Sep 01, 2020 6:00 AM - Sep 17, 2020 11:59 PM

Sept. 17 is North Texas Giving Day. This 18-hour giving event helps raise awareness of local nonprofits and gives everyone an opportunity to be a part of building a stronger, more vibrant community.

Your North Texas Giving Day gift to Texas Wesleyan University supports our students through The Wesleyan Fund. Funding received for The Wesleyan Fund is used to provide scholarships and financial assistance to the students who need it the most.  Annually, The Wesleyan Fund utilizes funds raised to bridge the gaps for students who need supplemental financial aid, provides funding for key academic programming and addresses unexpected student needs. 

Every donation up to $10,000 will be eligible for bonus funds from the Communities Foundation of Texas, so gifts of all sizes make a difference.

If you’d like to give early, you can schedule your gift between Sept. 1 - 16. Otherwise, visit on Sept. 17.

Thank you for your support!
