Alumni Author Spotlight: Genika Reed ’07

Did you know that many Texas Wesleyan alumni are published authors? We love to highlight the successes of our alumni and are featuring several TXWES writers over the coming weeks.
Genika Reed’s book, Scars With an Untold Story tells her personal story
about hidden endometriosis, which prevented her from being properly diagnosed. Years ago, she began the journey of dealing with this. Within one year, she had four surgeries that literally changed her life. She decided to write this memoir of her health journey to share how her faith helped her along the way and to raise awareness among women.
What inspired you to write your book?
My ultimate goal is to continue to spread awareness of endometriosis. Hopefully, in sharing my story it will help or inspire others to keep seeking answers for this painful disease.
What was your biggest challenge about writing and getting published?
My biggest challenge was first getting over my own emotions of the pain I suffered with endometriosis in order to write my own story. I decided to self-publish my book on Amazon because of the opportunity to market to a larger community.
How are you involved with Texas Wesleyan as an alumna?
I give back to my alumni association with a small donation when I can and stay up to date with events by reading the newsletters. I was looking forward to the Wesleyan Wine Walk as an opportunity to spread awareness of endometriosis.
If you or a fellow alumnus has a published work, contact the alumni office at to be considered for future feature stories.