Don’t miss your chance to win a Texas Wesleyan Garden Flag
We’re thankful to all of our alumni who have supported Texas Wesleyan this year through our campaigns and phonathon. There are only a couple of months left to take advantage of the Morton Challenge. For every new and increased gift you make to the Wesleyan Fund, Jack Morton ‘43 has pledged a 1-to-1 matching gift. That means you can double the impact of your dollar.
If you made a pledge during phonathon, we ask that you return your pledge card with payment by April 30, 2016. All donors that pay their pledge by that time will be entered into a drawing for a Texas Wesleyan University Garden Flag. Or if you prefer, click here and make your gift online.
We appreciate the continued support of our alumni. If we missed you when we called this year, please consider supporting our Rams of today and tomorrow.