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Dr. Gladys Childs

Dean of Freshman Success, Associate Professor of Religion
Dan Waggoner Annex 201

Courses Taught

  • Old and New Testament
  • Logic
  • Religion and Pop Culture
  • Jesus: His Life and Teachings
  • Christian Leadership 


  • B.A., double major: Psychology and Christian Counseling, Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, AR
  • M.A. Religious Education Southwestern Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX
  • Ph.D. Foundations of Education, Minor in Administration, Southwestern Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX
  • M.Div. Brite Divinity School, Ft. Worth, TX


  •  Elder, Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church

Personal Biography 

Gladys is married to a United Methodist pastor and has one son and a miniature poodle named Dobbie (named after the house elf in Harry Potter.) She loves traveling and spending time with her family. Besides teaching at Texas Wesleyan, Gladys is a motivational Christian speaker and consultant. Her goal is to provide educational ministries with tools for continued success and encourage and motivate Christians of all ages to live lives that honor God, others and themselves. Visit her website at