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Image Manipulation & PowerPoint Pizzazz 3/30

Logo for CETL Workshops
Mar 30, 2017 12:15 PM - Mar 30, 2017 1:15 PM
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Make a big impact on students through the sophisticated use of images and PowerPoints in the classroom and on Blackboard.

During this workshop, you will learn to use basic features of a free tool called Pixlr to optimize images for the web, which prevents the images from loading slowly. Next, you will use your optimized images in a PowerPoint presentation that is interactive and engaging. You will also learn how to integrate QR codes, as well as how to add narration, polling questions and more to slides. *You can make basic image manipulation and video tutorial in Pixlr. 

Presenter: Gwen Williams
Badge: Media Creation-Video Display
Faculty development badge for media creation - visual display


