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Implementing a mid-course evaluation

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Oct 03, 2018 10:00 AM - Oct 03, 2018 11:00 AM
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Asking students to complete an anonymous mid-course evaluation allows you to gather information about what is and isn’t working well in your class.

Mid-course evaluations don't need to take up much class time and can be as short as three questions.

For example:

  • What do you love?
  • What do you hate?
  • How can I help you learn better?

In this session, you will receive course evaluation sets that you can deploy as anonymous surveys through Blackboard. We will discuss how to respond to the feedback, and you will also learn how to conduct a mid-course survey using Qualtrics and TooFast.

Miami University has a brief summary of the literature on mid-course evaluations.

Presenter: Natalie Parker


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