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CETL offers faculty and staff stress-relief tips, day of fun

11.21.2013 | By:

Finals are here, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) would like to help make this time slightly less stressful for you.

Quick Tricks to Help Manage The Stress

  1. Positive Talk - "I'll do the best I can" instead of "I can't do this"
  2. Emergency Stress Stoppers - Break down big problems into smaller parts. Prioritize your tasks into "essential," "important" and "trivial"
  3. Finding Pleasure - Even if it's for 15 minutes, find something you enjoy and do it, like watching old movies, music, etc. 
  4. Daily Relaxation - Try to take at least five to 10 minutes every day for deep breathing or another form of relaxation

For more helpful tricks check out the American Heart Association's stress management page

CETL Stress Reliever Game Day

Faculty and staff, take a break from the stress of finals and relax (steps three and four) at the CETL. During the day on Thursday, Dec. 5, we will be offering a "Stress Reliever Game Day." Visit the CETL Events page for more details.

We'll have great activities and goodies like:

  • BINGO, Wii Dance, Raffles
  • Chair Massages 
  • Free Hot Coffee 
  • Free Snacks and Sodas

We hope you find these tips helpful and that you'll join us on Dec. 5.

Happy finals!