Halloween is here, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) has lots of faculty development treats in store this week. Don’t forget to stop by CETL on Oct. 31 for some candy and fun.
We’ve got some great workshops this week, but don’t worry — they won't be scary.
Don’t forget about our visit from Dr. Shelley Chapman of the IDEA Center. She’ll be leading an for all faculty on Nov. 5 at 12:15 pm. This is your chance to hear all about our student "ratings of instruction form" from an expert.
Finally, a big thanks to those of you who were able to attend the Instructional Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Students workshop last week. Even bigger thanks to Elsa Anderson and Patsy Robles-Goodwin for presenting. Elsa and Patsy will be leading follow-up sessions beginning Nov. 6. Feel free to register for the sessions even if you weren’t able to make last week’s event.
We hope to see all of you this week. Happy Halloween!