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CETL releases book club schedule for fall semester

08.19.2014 | By:

Book TitleMindstorms: Children, Computers & Powerful Ideas

AboutMindstorms has two central themes: that children can learn to use computers in a masterful way and that learning to use computers can change the way they learn everything else.

Even outside the classroom, Papert had a vision that the computer could be used just as casually and as personally for a diversity of purposes throughout a person’s entire life. Seymour Papert makes the point that in classrooms saturated with technology there is actually more socialization and that the technology often contributes to greater interaction among students and among students and instructors.

Meeting Times: Every other Monday, noon- 1 p.m.

Location: CETL Lab or via Google Hangout

Requirements: All participants will receive a copy of the book. Every other week, the group will meet face-to-face or via Google Hangout to discuss assigned chapters. One person will serve as a discussion leader by bringing discussion points/topics as well as supplemental materials such as links, videos, articles or anything else that is relevant to discussion.

All participants are invited to blog about the current reading.

Book Club Blog


Day Chapters Title
9/8 1 Computers & Computer Cultures
9/22 2 Mathophobia: The Fear of Learning
10/6 3 Turtle Geometry: A Mathematics Made for Learning
10/20 4 Language for Computers for People
11/3 5 Microworlds: Incubators for Knowledge
11/17 6 Powerful Ideas in Mid-Size Bites
12/1 7 LOGO's Roots: Piaget & AI
12/15 8 Images of the Learning Society