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Want classroom funds? Apply for CETL mini-grants by March 21

02.26.2014 | By:
Apply for CETL Mini-Grants

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the first mini-grant competition for research in critical thinking, teaching and learning. This mini-grant is designed to fund research that will impact the teaching of critical thinking in face to face, online or hybrid courses.

Possible uses for the grant funds include: 

  • Purchase of research materials including books and journals
  • Data collection materials such as survey tools and instruments
  • Materials for classroom use that will be evaluated like technology and books
  • Projects might include literature reviews, action research, case studies or evaluation of teaching and learning materials

The maximum individual grant award will be $500. No more than two grants will be awarded. Only full-time faculty are eligible to apply.

In order to receive the award, winners must agree to share the results of the research via a CETL Workshop or presentation at one of the yearly CETL events (such as Summer Institute or Fall Kickoff – the winner can work with CETL to prepare this presentation) and prepare a short blog post about the research findings to be published in the CETL website. All funds will need to be spent prior to May 31, 2014.

Applicants should submit the application on the CETL website by March 21, 2014 including:

A report with a narrative of the research topic, brief methodology, significance of research and how the money from this grant might be used. This report will be no more than 1,000 words.

A brief letter of support from the applicant’s department chair or dean is also required. Please send those directly to the CETL at with the subject line “CETL Mini-Grant Letter of Support.”