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Feedback Needed: Polytechnic Heights Neighborhood Master Plan

exterior view of the main entrance to West Library
Feb 25, 2021 3:00 PM - Feb 25, 2021 7:00 PM
Eunice and James L. West Library

All faculty, staff and students of Texas Wesleyan are encouraged to give feedback on the Polytechnic Heights neighboorhood master plan.  A community meeting, held through Zoom, will take place Thursday, Feb. 25 from 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Participants can access the meeting via Zoom, and are welcome to attend anytime during those hours.  

The community-based master plan for the Polytechnic Heights neighborhood is being developed in collaboration among professors and students from architecture and landscape architecture departments at UTA. Prof. Dennis Chiessa and his students from the Spatial [in]Justice course have conducted multiple community meetings and research in Polytechnic Heights during fall 2020. With the data and findings collected from fall 2020 and spring 2021, Dr. Joowon Im and her students from the Environmental Landscape Planning and Design course are working on a community-based master plan in collaboration with Prof. Chiessa and his students from Architecture Design Studio II. The master plan is a work-in-progress to receive feedback and insights from faculty, staff and students at Texas Wesleyan University and the community at-large. Your opinions are very important, for the process will help to develop a community-driven master plan for Polytechnic Heights that addresses needs of the community. 
