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"Smaller. Smarter." Commercial Watch Party

Sep 16, 2015 12:15 PM - Sep 16, 2015 1:00 PM
Martin Hall

Join President Frederick G. Slabach as he kicks off this year's "Smaller. Smarter." advertising campaign with a special sneak preview screening and free T-shirt giveaway at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, in Martin Hall. 

Advance test screenings of this year's TV commercials, starring Texas Wesleyan students and professors, have received resounding positive feedback. 

"This year, our market testing shows we’re releasing the funniest, most relevant TV advertising we’ve ever put in the marketplace," John Veilleux, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, said. "This is going to be a very positive year for Texas Wesleyan." 

Texas Wesleyan's highly successful "Smaller. Smarter." brand advertising campaign launched four years ago and since then has earned 31 national and regional marketing awards. Texas Wesleyan advertises with TV, movie theaters, billboards and digital outlets during the fall and spring recruitment seasons. 
