The number of directors and managers reporting to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) will be reduced from six to four.
The positions of IT Development Director and IT Operations Director have been merged into a single position called IT Infrastructure Services Director; this position will be filled by Kendra Ketchum.
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) will report to the Provost.
The IT Development division and Project Management Office have been eliminated and the Project Manager (5) and Business Analyst (1) positions have been dissolved.
A new division (IT Academic Services) focused on supporting the academic mission of the University has been established; Michael McAuliffe will fill the role of IT Academic Services Director and report to the CIO.
The focus of the Help Desk has been narrowed; this group is to act as the single point of contact for all technical support requests and support-related questions and work on behalf of the requestor to ensure that all issues, service requests, and questions are satisfactorily resolved, fulfilled, or answered in a timely manner; George Blackwell will fill the role of Help Desk Manager and report to the IT Infrastructure Services Director.
A new service group charged with the delivery of timely desk-side and field support has been established; Barry Simpson will take the role of User Support Manager and report to the IT Infrastructure Services Director.
The new staff structure puts IT in a better position to handle the challenges and opportunities ahead and give employees, students, alumni and affiliates the service they deserve.