Janie Pokluda honored with Staff Hero Award

During President Frederick G. Slabach's September 2020 Town Hall meeting, Caron Patton, interim chief financial officer and controller, recognized Janie Pokluda, students accounts manager, with the Staff Hero Award.
The Staff Hero Award honors staff members for their efforts toward reaching the goals of the University's 2020 Vision.
"Janie is passionate about the well-being of the university and students, and always considers the financial impact to the University," Patton said. "She works tirelessly, especially during fall and spring tuition refund time, to help students and parents understand their account."
Patton also said that Pokluda has been instrumental in automating manual processes to improve the efficiency of the cashier’s office.
"I was totally surprised and actually speechless, a rare occasion, upon receiving the award," Pokluda said. "I am fortunate enough to work with some wonderful people who strive for excellence in their work at Wesleyan and that has pushed me, encouraged me and challenged me to try and reach the same standards that I admire in them."
Staff Hero Award
The University’s 2020 Vision defines Texas Wesleyan’s priorities and serves as a road map to educational excellence. Staff members play a key role in supporting and achieving these goals.
The Staff Hero Award nomination will come from Executive Staff and one Staff Hero Award will be announced at the end of each 2020 Town Hall Meeting. The recipient will also be announced through the Wesleyan Flame.