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University raises more than $3,000 for Nepal disaster relief

05.26.2015 | By:
To show support for Nepalese students and that Wesleyan stands with Nepal, the office of student life scheduled several events and fundraisers during April and early May.

Hundreds of Texas Wesleyan students gather on April 28 to show their support for Nepal.

Student Life is pleased to announce that the University raised more than $3,000 to send to Nepal for disaster relief.

To show support for Nepalese students, and that Wesleyan stands with Nepal, the Office of Student Life scheduled several events and fundraisers during April and early May. 

In April, Nepal was hit by a devastating earthquake that resulted in a tremendous amount of loss in lives, buildings and homes, as well as injury.

Many Texas Wesleyan students are from Nepal and the surrounding areas that were impacted by the earthquake and the several that followed. Our hearts and our thoughts have been and will continue to be with our fellow Rams whose family and loved ones were affected.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the fundraisers and events.