Have you considered your exams for graduate school admissions? Practice and preparation are key to a great performance on these tests. That’s why Texas Wesleyan University and The Princeton Review invite you to TestFest on at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 29, where you can kick off your MCAT, LSAT, GMAT or GRE prep with a FREE practice test. Try your hand at the type of questions you’ll face on the actual exam, sharpen your testing skills, and build your confidence.
The check-in area is at Betty and Bobby Bragan Fellowship Hall in Polytechnic United Methodist Church. Reserve your spot now at PrincetonReview.com/GradTestFest or call 214-890-0099. An e-mail confirming your registration and providing you with instructions for checking in on Saturday morning will be sent before the event. E-mail any questions to ASpeir@Review.com or call Amanda at 214-890-0099.