Texas Wesleyan is a tobacco-free, smoke-free campus

Texas Wesleyan’s ongoing commitment to encourage and support healthy lifestyles resulted in the adoption of a 100 percent tobacco-free, smoke-free campus policy on Aug. 20, 2014, with the support of student government, faculty and staff.
There is no safe tobacco product. Therefore, the following products are prohibited on the Texas Wesleyan campus, Campus Map, at all times:
- cigarettes
- cigars
- pipes
- smokeless tobacco
- electronic cigarettes
- other tobacco products
Violating the tobacco-free policy will result in a $200 fine for smoking in a building or a $75 fine for all other tobacco use violations.
Help for quitting
Texas Wesleyan is committed to providing cessation support for students, faculty and staff.
Below are resources for smoking cessation programs. Support can also be found at the Texas Wesleyan University Health Center.
Texas Wesleyan University Health Services
West Village Apartments
Avenue A Building 1, Room 110
Phone: 817-531-4948
Cessation information websites: