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President Slabach pops in on Dr. Tommy Nichols

03.01.2023 | By: Office of the President
Aerial view of the Texas Wesleyan campus with the text

The next Engaging Educators Award goes to Dr. Tommy Nichols in the School of Business Administration. President Fred Slabach "popped in" on his class on Feb. 14, 2023 to announce the award.

Dr. Nichols was recognized for his commitment to students inside and outside of the classroom. Dr. Nichols is a great example of what makes Texas Wesleyan Smaller. Smarter. — he is very hands-on with his students and incorporates a lot of practical applications in his courses. He is very helpful to his students both during and after class and tries his best to provide them with the latest and best knowledge in the field.

A sidewalk leading to the front of the Oneal-Sells Administration Building on the campus of Texas Wesleyan Univerasity
The Office of the President is responsible for overseeing Texas Wesleyan's overall operations and ensuring that it fulfills its mission and goals. The Office of the President is also responsible for representing the University to the public and building relationships with key stakeholders.